
Enrol today for lessons commencing 2025

Our GOswim lessons will commence from January 2025. Enrol today to secure your preferred day and time!

Children's GOswim

Our GOswim Swimming and Water Safety lessons focuses on contemporary, experiential, activity based learning as a fun and engaging way for kids to learn to swim and be safe around water.

Our primary age program continues from our infant and pre-school levels, students aged 5 and above move through the GOswim pathways based on swimming skill progrression.

Our Swimming Curriculum:

The curriculum covers five areas of learning. These areas are combined and presented as activities to enhance the students learning and development.

Key learning areas include: 

  • Safe entries and exits
  • Balance, movement and recovery 
  • Breath control, submersion and readiness 
  • Water safety 
  • Swimming stoke development

Learn to Swim Membership

Administration Fee $20.00 (once off)
Learn to Swim Membership $19.50 per week

Aquatic Pathways to GOswim Academy

GOswim Academy is designed to encourage continued participation in aquatic activity through competitive and recreational/lap swimming.  

The curriculum for the program builds on the core and foundation elements in the GOswim program, as each skill is broken down into segmented and achievable components that streamline and refine technique and enhance the development of efficiency and endurance. 


The GOswim program is fully integrated into Active World's App to enhance parent communication with the Wulanda swim school team. ​

Features of the app include:

  • Parents identifying and tracking students’ progress through our clearly defined pathway.
  • Availability of digital encouragement awards as students’ progress through each stage and element of the program
  • Parents gain access to online information enhancing their knowledge and understanding of the curriculum, learning activities, learning outcomes and other assessment criteria. 
  • Parents gain awareness of student application of knowledge, skill and understanding of swimming and water safety. 
Download the app to login or enrol - use the code WULANDA

Enrol in our GOswim Program

Enrol in our program below. We look forward to having you in the water with us soon!

TripAdvisor Panel

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